As you can imagine one of the things we miss from home is our favorite TV shows, sporting events and daily news - like E News Daily with Ryan Seacrest. Fortunately there are new inventions like Apple TV, downloadable episodes of Glee on iTunes 24 hours after they air in the US and the slingbox. We got some advice before we left India to get a slingbox ( so that we would not miss a beat. Thanks to our pals Kevin and Mary, we can dial into to the slingbox over the Internet and control their TiVo box to record and play our shows. We have kept up with Glee, CSI, The Office, and Mad Men. We've shared Michigan's painful football season and seen Rich Rod get booted with the local Detroit Channel 7 news coverage. And best of all we have watched Outsourced and laughed our pants off as the truth in the extreme stereotypes they portray ring home to us here in India.
Well we have hit a snag and gone into the mid-year rerun time for our favorite shows, college football season is over and well the Lions have been done playing for a while...Now we return to India satellite TV. Over 800 channels at our disposal. Your choice of Hindi, American English, Tamil, Telegru, Kannada and the best of the BBC. What that leaves us with is about 10 channels. Their broadcasting strategy is not like the US, India TV will have a show like Dexter or Nurse Jackie on every day at 3pm, 8pm and 11pm - and broadcast through all the seasons in one month ....then poof its off the air. Fortunately we have TiVo here too, so we can at least watch things in the right order.
The latest craze here is The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. Jen Schefft is our new Bachelorette here in India, I lived through that TV drama in 2005. For my 12 year old daughter and her friends, this is must see TV and of course, they think this is real time! I am trying not to spoil the fun by saying she doesn't choose anyone. We are through the first few weeks of the series and with any luck it will repeat for the next month. I am sure I will know the script verbatim shortly. The bachelor was a little more recent - circa 2007 and funny thing is this guy was back again (Brad Womack) for the current version in the US. Frankly we must be desperate to put him up twice, he was cheesy the first time. Our next exciting show to start up is Survivor, we'll see how popular that is in India when the contestants every day challenges are similar to our realities (large bugs, periods without power, and large animals in your path)!
Well we have hit a snag and gone into the mid-year rerun time for our favorite shows, college football season is over and well the Lions have been done playing for a while...Now we return to India satellite TV. Over 800 channels at our disposal. Your choice of Hindi, American English, Tamil, Telegru, Kannada and the best of the BBC. What that leaves us with is about 10 channels. Their broadcasting strategy is not like the US, India TV will have a show like Dexter or Nurse Jackie on every day at 3pm, 8pm and 11pm - and broadcast through all the seasons in one month ....then poof its off the air. Fortunately we have TiVo here too, so we can at least watch things in the right order.
The latest craze here is The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. Jen Schefft is our new Bachelorette here in India, I lived through that TV drama in 2005. For my 12 year old daughter and her friends, this is must see TV and of course, they think this is real time! I am trying not to spoil the fun by saying she doesn't choose anyone. We are through the first few weeks of the series and with any luck it will repeat for the next month. I am sure I will know the script verbatim shortly. The bachelor was a little more recent - circa 2007 and funny thing is this guy was back again (Brad Womack) for the current version in the US. Frankly we must be desperate to put him up twice, he was cheesy the first time. Our next exciting show to start up is Survivor, we'll see how popular that is in India when the contestants every day challenges are similar to our realities (large bugs, periods without power, and large animals in your path)!